A Detailed Guide to Creating Breadcrumbs in ReactJS

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The vast majority of modern websites are built with a JavaScript front-end framework, but one that isn’t quite as common yet is ReactJS. If you are interested in learning more about the framework and how to use it, dive in to know more!

Latest Statistics on Breadcrumbs in ReactJS 

  • According to the latest statistics, breadcrumbs in ReactJS are used on nearly 8% of websites. 
  • That’s a pretty significant number, considering that ReactJS is only about 5 years old. 

The majority of these sites are using static breadcrumb navigation, but there are a growing number of dynamic breadcrumb implementations as well. 

The latest statistics on breadcrumbs in ReactJS show that they are a very popular and useful feature for web developers. Breadcrumbs provide an easy way for users to navigate through websites and apps, and they can be used in a variety of different ways. 

For example, breadcrumbs can be used to show the user’s current location on a website or app or to provide links back to previous pages.

Overall, breadcrumbs in ReactJS are fairly easy to implement and offer a great way to improve the usability of your website. If you’re looking for a way to add breadcrumbs to your site, definitely check out some of the options listed above.

Why Should We Use BreadCrumbs?

Breadcrumbs are an important part of any website or application. They provide a way for users to navigate through the site or application, and they also help search engines understand the structure of the site or application.

There are many reasons why we should use breadcrumbs in our ReactJS applications. 

  • Breadcrumbs help improve the usability of the site or application. 
  • They can help reduce the amount of time it takes for users to find what they are looking for., 
  • Also, breadcrumbs can improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of the site or application.
  • They make it easy for users to go back to a previous page. 
  • Breadcrumbs can be used to track the user’s progress through the site or application. 
  • Finally, breadcrumbs can be used to display additional information about the current page or location.


Breadcrumbs are a great way to help your users navigate your website, and they can be especially useful on large sites with complex navigation. ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library that makes it easy to create interactive user interfaces. 

Creating breadcrumbs in ReactJS is relatively simple. The first thing you need to do is create a new component for your breadcrumbs. You can do this by creating a new file called Breadcrumbs.jsx in your project’s src/components directory.

In the Breadcrumbs.jsx file, you’ll need to import the React and PropTypes libraries:

import React from ‘react’;

import PropTypes from ‘prop-types’;

Then, you’ll need to define the Breadcrumbs component:

const Breadcrumbs = (props) => {

  return (



        {props.breadcrumbs.map((breadcrumb, index) => {

          return (

            <li key={index}>








How to Create Breadcrumbs in ReactJS?

Breadcrumbs provide a way for users to navigate websites and web applications. They are typically displayed as a hierarchy of links, starting from the home page and ending with the current page.

ReactJS is a software framework used to create amazing user interfaces. It can be used to create breadcrumbs.

There are two ways to create breadcrumbs in ReactJS:

  1. Using the react-router module

The react-router module provides a Link component that can be used to create breadcrumbs. The Link component has a prop called “to” which accepts an object containing the “pathname” and “breadcrumbName” properties. The “pathname” property corresponds to the URL path that the Link should navigate to, and the “breadcrumbName” property corresponds to the name of the breadcrumb that should be displayed.

  1. Using an external library

Many external libraries can be used to create breadcrumbs in ReactJS. One popular library is react-breadcrumbs. This library provides a Breadcrumbs component that can be used to create breadcrumbs. The Breadcrumbs component accepts an array of objects as its “children” prop. Each object in this array should have a “path” and “breadcrumb” property. The “path” property corresponds to the URL path that the breadcrumb should link to, and the “breadcrumb” property corresponds to the name of the breadcrumb that should be displayed.

Benefits of ReactJS

ReactJS is a JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces and web applications. It is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library that makes it easy to create breadcrumbs in ReactJS.

  • Breadcrumbs are an important part of website navigation. They help users understand where they are on a website and provide a way to navigate back to previous pages. 
  • Breadcrumbs also help search engines index your website correctly.
  • ReactJS makes it easy to create breadcrumbs with its built-in router. The router provides the ability to define custom routes, which can be used to generate breadcrumbs automatically. 
  • Several third-party libraries can be used to create breadcrumbs in ReactJS.

Creating breadcrumbs in ReactJS is an important part of website navigation and should be given careful consideration.

Examples of Breadcrumbs

There are many different ways to create breadcrumbs in ReactJS. Here are some examples:

Using the react-router library

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link } from “react-router-dom”;

const Breadcrumbs = () => (



      <Route path=”/” component={Home} />

      <Route path=”/about” component={About} />

      <Route path=”/topics” component={Topics} />




Breadcrumbs are an excellent way to assist your users in navigating your website. They provide a clear path of where the user is on your site and can help them backtrack if they get lost.

In ReactJS, there are two ways to create breadcrumbs. Here we will learn how to create breadcrumbs using the react-router-breadcrumbs module.

Use the react-router-breadcrumbs Module

The react-router-breadcrumbs module makes it easy to create breadcrumbs for your ReactJS application. With this module, you simply need to specify the routes that you want to include in your breadcrumbs, and it will take care of the rest. Let’s see how it works with an example.

Say we have the following routes defined in our ReactJS application:

    const routes = [

      { path: ‘/’, breadcrumbName: ‘Home’ },

      { path: ‘/about’, breadcrumbName: ‘About’ },

      { path: ‘/products’, breadcrumbName: ‘Products’ },

      { path: ‘/product/:id’, breadcrumbName: ‘Product Details’ }


To create breadcrumbs for these routes using the react-router-breadcrumbs module, we simply need to wrap  our application with the <Breadcrumbs> component, and pass in the routes as a prop:

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route } from “react-router-dom”;

import { Breadcrumbs, BreadcrumbsItem } from ‘react-breadcrumbs-dynamic’;

const routes = [

  { path: ‘/’, breadcrumbName: ‘Home’ },

  { path: ‘/about’, breadcrumbName: ‘About’ },

  { path: ‘/products’, breadcrumbName: ‘Products’ },

  { path: ‘/product/:id’, breadcrumbName: ‘Product Details’ }


const App = () => (


    <BreadcrumbsItem to=’/’>Home</BreadcrumbsItem>

    <Breadcrumbs routes={routes} />

    <hr />

    <Route exact path=”/” component={Home} />

    <Route path=”/about” component={About} />

    <Route path=”/products” component={Products} />

    <Route path=”/product/:id” component={ ProductDetails} />


In the code above, we imported the components from the react-breadcrumbs-dynamic module. We then wrapped our application with the component and passed in the routes as a prop.

The component will automatically generate breadcrumbs for us based on the routes that we passed. It will also render a component for each breadcrumb, which we can style as we please.


We hope that this guide has helped you understand how to create breadcrumbs in ReactJS. Breadcrumbs are an important part of any website, and ReactJS makes it easy to add them to your site. With a few simple steps, you can add breadcrumbs to your ReactJS website and improve the user experience for your visitors.

For inquiries about arriving at Pyramidion’s ReactJS development services, connect with our experts today!

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