Hire iOS Developers
With Delivery Assurance

Swiftly extend your team during a time or resource crunch with talent that will treat your project as their own.

Why spend time looking to hire employees on payroll for short-term requirements? Why go through the hassle of coordinating with recruiters who might not understand the technology? Reach out to us for quick deployment of a skilled team that will work alongside yours.

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Project-Ready iOS Development Expertise

A good developer is incredibly curious. And flexible. And willing to learn fast on the go. Having met and screened developers, both good and bad, for several years now, we have found ways to identify the ‘good’ with a significant level of consistency. We have also learned that resumes can be tricky and deceptive. So let us help you skip the long, elaborate process of scouting for talent and instead provide you with highly trained, professional, project-ready developers from our team.

Being a iOS development company, From our talent on payroll, you can acquire a dedicated employee or a team with excellent iOS development skills and a good track record of working on complex projects with an understanding of both tech and business goals.


Years of


Experience of Developers




How to Hire iOS Developers from Us

  • Step 1

    A close understanding of your requirements

    After your inquiry, we will speak with you to understand the nature of your personnel requirements: How many? How long? To what end?

  • Step 2

    Proposing the best way forward

    After a closer analysis of the business case, we will propose how we can best work out processes and solutions for the team extension.

  • Step 3

    Good work. Consistent support.

    Once our developers start working on your project, expect a dedicated, flexible and responsive relationship from our end -- one that values quick learning, smooth adaptation to your agile requirements and a deep commitment to listen and deliver.

  • Step 4

    Scale Up on the Go

    If further need for people arises in the middle of the project -- either of a similar profile as earlier or from a different tech stack -- we will do our best to quickly meet those needs.


How We Hire iOS Developers

Hiring is a well-planned and carefully conducted activity here at Pyramidion. We are proud of our people, many of whom bring years of experience in iOS development, and more importantly, a willingness to continually update themselves with the latest. Our developers are proficient in the latest iOS code and development practices and expertise required to build competent and mission-driven products.

Requirement Challenge Understanding

Screening for those who can perform exceptionally

Every job application that we receive is screened for the high standards of skill and aptitude that we expect from our people. Only 10% of all the resumes we receive make it to the interview and coding challenge stages.

Tech Solution Consultation

A skill test that
measures real ability

Every iOS developer who attends the interview also needs to take the iOS Development skill test that was designed by our CTO. Their performance on this test provides a sound measure of their capability.

Consistent Delivery

Holistic training

Our comprehensive training program not just enables our iOS Developers to strengthen their ability to program well, but also skill themselves in other essential aspects of workplace competence, such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration and leadership.

Why Hire iOS Developers from us

40-hour risk-free trial

Onboard our team members and work with them for as long as 40 hours without having to commit to hiring them. If you are not happy, you will not be charged.

Hire right, hire fast

Our pre-vetted and trained resources could get started on your project as quickly as within 48 hours of you signing them up.

Tech consultation

We also provide insights and guidance on how best to hire the best-fit resources and set milestones to address the requirements at hand.

Resource management skills for hire

Looking for people who can manage the developers in your team. We’ve got you covered there as well and can arrange for project managers, business analysts and even a CTO for your set up.

Scale up at short notice

We can onboard, at short notice, more people to your team in the middle of a project, if the need arises.

Full-stack expertise

We have developers, designers and experts who, collectively, hold expertise that spans various domains and technology. Request for people specialized at different skill sets, and we will likely be able to provide for the same.


Frequently Asked Questions

At Pyramidion, we hold high standards of accountability and reliability. The iOS developers you hire from us are on our payroll. As we work on iOS development projects ourselves, we understand what goes into delivering quality results, and we won’t provide you any personnel that we wouldn’t ourselves trust for our projects.

We provide a 40-hour trial period. While there is no minimum time period for hiring, we do require a 30-day notice for termination or down-sizing of the resources.

The iOS Developers that you will hire will work out of our physical office in Chennai, India. We are consistent in our updates and communication, and you can be assured that they will work the hours we commit to.

Your work proceeding in accordance with your goals and requirements is our priority. If you do have concerns about a developer, we will look into it and seek immediate solutions or arrange for a replacement.

If you need project managers to oversee your developers and optimize the project schedule, we can provide you with some competent managers, both in the shared resource and exclusive models.

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