Agile Methodology

Risk Management in Agile Methodology for Mobile App Development

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All types of mobile application development processes are not free from the risk factor. The common categorization of this is mentioned below.

(i) Budget Risk:
This can be assumed to be the most prevalent one as well as the catalyst for the other types to arise. It is generated due to the development work exceeding the actual budget finalized.

(ii) Personnel Risk:
This is generated due to the unavailability of some team members and impacts will occur irrespective of the time frame associated with the absence

(iii) Knowledge Risk:
Taking the case where the knowledge transfer is not good, the necessary actions when associated with relearning can be more cost and time consuming along with resources as well.

(iv) Productivity Risk:
This is prominent when the projects are long-term with respect to delivery and goals. Thereby there is no vision to carry out the work with importance and seriousness.

(v) Time Risk:
Delays in delivery are associated with ineffective strategies when it comes to planning, absurd deadlines and not able to be abreast with the continuously changing needs with respect to the product.

Dealing with all such Risks in Agile Development:
Taking the case of the agile methodology it takes care of all the aforementioned risks. However, in this case, for even better assurance, it is the responsibility of the team to pay importance to avoid blunders related to the work and be ready to handle the sudden changes associated with the product as it evolves.
Detailed below are the effective means to manage such risks and ensure a successful product.

a.Risk– Budget
Resolution– Rolling Wave Planning
In the work involved in development, there is the need to make assumptions initially which cant be judged to be good or bad until we get more knowledge as time progresses, It is typical that in development all the goals are subject to vary with time.

The concept of Rolling Wave Planning will be effective here. Typically all the teams come to major decisions related to the work when it is the best time instead of detailing everything in the initial phases. The right decision is made with the input of new knowledge and along with the progression of time and the product as well. Thereby this risk factor is cut down and along with resources, the time/cost factors are conserved.

Additionally, a budgeting plan that acknowledges the entire scope of the project will be handy as well. Most of the brands often pay less attention or misunderstand the importance of budgeting in mobile app development and consequently many blunders are made related to it. Every development work for software products is different and thus deep insight into the services you provide as an entrepreneur is important.

b.Risk – Personnel and Knowledge
Resolution– Squad-based development
These are teams comprising of 10 to 12 members who have team spirit in getting things done effectively from the beginning of a project to the end. This is via imparting knowledge that tackles the two specific risk factors. This removes the problem arising via Knowledge Silos and gets to generate smooth performance even when one or two team members are missing suddenly.

c.Risk– Productivity
Resolution– Sprint-based Development
Operating on an iterative basis, their role is in developing a demo of the product within a specified timeframe. The vision of short-term accomplishment is implemented firmly and momentum is maintained where the work is broken down into simpler tasks.

d.Risk– Time
Resolution– Process involved
A flexible and reproducible process can tackle the issues related to time delays stemming from typically from scope creep, gold-plating etc.

Taking the case of an agile environment being adaptable can make you effective in handling the pressures of the ever-changing needs related to the product you are developing. This helps in maintaining the needed momentum. Thereby the aforementioned resolutions can minimize the various risk factors that lead to project delays and the such.

Author Bio:
Pyramidion Solutions is a Chennai based App Development Company following an Agile Methodology in the development work where it very well knows how to handle the various risks that come with the process involved. This is just one of the factors that have made it a prominent mobile app development company in terms of reliability and having amassed such a demand from all over the nation and some inrternational countries as well.

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